I will be writing in general terms so I don’t err on both sides.
I once read on someone’s blog, that is in her reply to a comment to a post that she prefers blogging to facebook.She said it’s more peaceful, no controversy, (well, maybe less.)And I totally agree with her.
On facebook, when you update your status, your friends either comment asking the basis for the stat us, also they either send text messages or call you asking if you’re okay and all that.
Now, when blogging you maintain a certain mystery around your identity unless you so wish to make it known subsequently to whomsoever you choose or in your posts, well fine and good, all the better.
Most times, I read blogs, I notice the bloggers only let you know their first names or just their locations, where they’re from etc, (I’m thinking its part of the fun) but more often than not, you do not completely know who a blogger is no one had the right to question the identity of the blogger.
I’ve always thought the reason we blog is to write and do so in such a way as hold our readers’ interest, to communicate.
I’ve found reading blogs therapeutic. I love reading blogs, commenting..I don’t quite get the urge to write everyday, so I enjoy reading that of others.
Granted I’m new here, but I think what you choose to write in your post and in your blog is your business; if the story is a bit unreal, for Pete’s sakes, it’s all you! Some people have vivid imaginations and good for them, they write and to me, it’s just hilarious and I just enjoy it. No one should worry about the identity behind the writing (as far as it’s a tale and unless indicated otherwise, its fiction).When you should is when it is directed at you. Its petty albeit puerile to poke fun at the personality of a guy because he chooses to recount his stories and since he narrates his escapades, you think a normal guy can’t have that much fun,Lol, sorry, but some guys actually do and love to tell, so if you don’t like it, stop listening or reading.
There are different kinds of people and to them, different mannerisms. Some don’t take kindly to jokes intended to be good natured. Some a little bit more emotional than others, while others, simply do not care; But I believe the only place you can make pun should be as a comment to the actual person’s blog not on some other person’s blog and with some others
I so hate drama.
To Lady X,don’t get me wrong I’ve no beef with you and your reply to my comment, on the contrary, I loved your post: It was innocent and engaging actually learnt from it, and I’d be back, Lol,but I didn’t like when the comments went sideways, period!
To Naijabadboi (NBB), you know who you are okay? You also know why most people enjoy your posts? Keep doing what you’re doing and forget everything else.
Always here, I love you all
Please visit http://helpnigeria.blogspot.com
We have not arrested anyone criticizing the govt, IGP or the police. We
only arrested those peddling fake news - Police PRO, Muyiwa Adejobi
The spokesperson of th
2 hours ago
That's one of the good and not so great thing about blogging. Everyone has opinion and while it may differ from ours there's a constructive way to provide it, but that doesn't always happen. There have been times when I've turned off comments because I needed to post something that didn't require feedback, it was what it was. I definitely understand what you mean.
I do think I'm starting to prefer blogging because it's def taking more of my time now. Why do I feel like I missed something? lol I can't wait till Friday when Spring break starts so I have more time to be on here.
I like blogging because I like writing.
@ CurvyGurl.. I really do hope others get to understand the message the way you have..thank you so much for coming
@Suru.. ehn!Amebo!lol.. well I won't an olofofo this time o.. but alot has happened oh.. I miss you.. How your exams coming?xoxo
@ Rene yeah.. we all do just that I hope it is abused and we do so in good faith.
please visit http://helpnigeria.blogspot.com and don't forget to give to Jos when the opportunity comes!
@ CurvyGurl.. I really do hope others get to understand the message the way you have..thank you so much for coming
@Suru.. ehn!Amebo!lol.. well I won't an olofofo this time o.. but alot has happened oh.. I miss you.. How your exams coming?xoxo
@ Rene yeah.. we all do just that I hope it is abused and we do so in good faith.
please visit http://helpnigeria.blogspot.com and don't forget to give to Jos when the opportunity comes!
The essence of blogging should be to add value to readers and other people's life ,thats what i learnt from masters when i wanted to start,
Lo @ muyiwa.. Yes sir..
Lo @ muyiwa.. Yes sir..
Blogging is all about writing to me....but FB's more kinda personal....I think!
@ My World.. yeah.. Thats cause you maintain some sort of anonymity blogging and facebook,you don't..
@Fragilelooks..yeah,my thoughts exactly..
blogging for me is about putting down my adventures...online diary sorta...
Welcome to blogging! I love blogging...the blogging community helps you out a lot more than your real friends do because they know you on a less superficial environment. They give great advice- they laugh with you, cry with you and tell you when you need a reality check.
@lucidlilith..true talk..Thanks for coming over to mine..
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