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I have no reservations about G-strings; they make you sexy, daring yeah?
I even get to wear these when I am wearing some tight skirts or pants and don’t want my panty-line to be defined.
But sometimes when I see some ‘bums’ wearing these things, I marvel.
I have a married friend whose bum is as wide as my hands when I open them to embrace a big person and she says that her husband can’t stand seeing her wear boxer panties or full pants. I asked her about just wearing real lacy or sheer panties and she still says not admitted in her bedroom.
I don’t you, but apart from the few g-strings I have for such tighties when I wear them, I’m the lacy panties and boxer panties chick any day.

I had this crush on this guy I was almost going gaga for and went to pay him a visit and then when he went to have his bath and he was dressing up, he wore his g-strings and came to show me; Kai!I died and woke up, my attraction for him started dying from that day. All the time we were hanging that evening I kept thinking that this guy had on a g-string. I may be old fashioned, but abeg that I cannot take.
Then when I was in law school, I had this friend I used to go visit her in her room (who incidentally is the chick whose hubby can’t stand anything other than G-strings or thongs) this girl would even wear g-strings when she’s in her period and anyone looking will notice it. I mean, what the heck is that?! And not like she’s comfortable with it oh, that’s how she’d keep adjusting and re-adjusting. I tire!
Please wear that which you feel comfortable in.I beg you. There are still some small panties that are small and not full and would still look real sexy.

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