I love writing, I really do.I've been told my writing is okay,Could be better,even good, ;been told I should extend my limits.. whatever that means..
Now,I move in circles that reqire me to be in daily contact with good writers,some gifted; some execellent and they all share a common trait. They more often than not,will not help you develop your writing skills;What they do? Oh they'd point out your faults, make you feel you're grasping at straws and at that point when you need guidance or should say redemption?,They leave you hanging..
They'd give you a piece they worked on while they were still nobodies just to let you know that even then, you are no match to them and that you are way out of your league.
I've seen them, I've seen them all..
Poets?Give a gifted poet your work to go over.. give you a candid opinion?You know what he does? He gives you his piece to show you that he can think deeper and in that deep thinking,is creative enough to as to put those words together in such a way as to appeal even to you thus making you feel awe, yet silly for ever thinking you could be a poet.
They are all selfish egoistic bastards!
Look,I don't care what you say... This my blog;You either love me or hate me; Acknowledge me or ignore me.. either way,I'd still be me..
My blog is all about giving you tips,remedies,solutions, answers to whatever ails you,be able to talk about anything.But I've discovered that I cannot conform myself and my wrting to my original concept... I have to diversify.I'm evolving.. So, yeah evolve with me.. You're not lost;You're still in the right place- FREE ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS.
I just got in to this new relationship.(I've not had one in a while) And I'm actually rough around the edges.I find that the excitement I used to feel way back about being in " something new",I no longer have it.He's an extremely busy person and so am I ,even more so.
The truth?I just don't know what to do anymore.. I don't even know how to act with a man!Surprised ?! I? A woman?cannot handle a man?A laugh right? I wonder if I'm capable of feeling anything..I just guess I should give it time.
Today,I just want to feel sorry for myself,nag,complain.. Guess I'm feeling a lil disatisfied with life.. Why?Bites me.
My boss owes me lots of arrears of salary and now he seems to have gotten it into his head to pay me in bits and pieces! On facebook,while my friends herald their status updates with expectation of a paycheck or actual celebration of getting a paycheck, I sink deeper into debt and in the realisation that even my arrears might not be paid..
My boss has a mistress.Everyday we make money and I just don't know how that lady gets to know when we make money;not only that she brings her folks...Suffice it to say my boss is the breadwinner of that family.
That brings me to a close friend of mine,He works under a private entepreneur who also shares the same indiscipline as my boss. Now this wonderful friend of mine is an engineer.His boss gets contracts,gets paid for it but squanders the money and hasn't paid his employees for months. My friend barely has a job and to make matters worse,he's just been evicted from his apartment.
He had to distribute his household property to the homes of friends who agreed to acomodate his things. (you know not all friends will help you out) and now he's squatting . I forgot to tell you that his car is at the mechanic's.. Please pray for him on my behalf.. Just help me pray...
Beside my office is an eatry,a restaurant that half the coporate world around the vicinity where I work,patronise-I always go there.. Why? Hey you don't know.. Just don't assume right now okay?I'd let you know in my next post. Plus expect in my next blog,to know 5 MORE THINGS YOU CAN DO WITH HONEY...
keep a date with me will ya?.. love you all..
Saturday In House Gists - Something That You CANNOT Forget
Is there something that you cannot forget?Maybe something someone did to
you or said to you that you cannot forget? Does this thing that you cannot
4 hours ago